WSA Passport Acceptance - Visas on WSA Passports
Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.
Article 13(2), Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Countries that have accepted the World Passport
The following is a list of countries which, on at least one occasion, have recognized the World Passport on a "de facto" basis, by stamping a national visa and/or entry/exit stamp. Countries in CAPITAL letters indicate "de jure" or official recognition of the World Passport. WSA requests travelers to send photocopies or scans of visa/entry/exit stamps to the Washington, DC office. This list has been updated in October 2023. Please note that the stamps shown are meant to indicate recognition by the particular country but are not necessarily the most recent stamps. Thousands of stamps from all over the world are maintained in our offline visa archive. This list is updated periodically.