Application for Passport, World Birth Card, World Birth Certificate, & World Identity Card

World Service Authority

World Service Authority,
World Office,
5 Thomas Circle, NW
Washington, D.C. 20005
  • Tel: (202) 638-2662
  • Fax: (202) 638-0638
  • Email:
Important Notice
Please click on the links below
for information regarding
certain restrictions
on document issuance
and on other WSA services:
Click Here and Here.

Print Application Form

This application form is free. Please fill as many forms as needed.


  1. Print application form or download to your computer. Applications must be filled out by hand, computer, tablet, or by typewriter. Completed forms may be posted or emailed to the WSA.
  2. If you prefer, you may use the Online Form instead located at Online Form.
  3. Mark which documents and postage you want (minimum shipping/handling required per applicant).
  4. Fill out personal information in block letters by hand, by computer, or by typewriter.
  6. Verify your identity OR have your signature authenticated by notary.
  7. Send to the above address with 2 photos and certified bank check in US dollars with US bank name on front of check, international money order in US dollars, traveler's checks in US dollars, online credit card form, PayPal (email/call for instructions) or other payment options below.
  8. Please read the Important Information below prior to submitting the application forms.

For expedited issuance services, please contact the WSA Washington, DC World Office.

No WSA document will be issued without payment or proof thereof.

Always send proof of payment with application.


Important Information for Completing the Application Forms:

1) Please print clearly and legibly. The information and data that you provide and certify on the application form is what will appear on your documents. It is your responsibility to verify the correctness of all information and data provided.

2) Please note on the application form whether you want information printed in Upper and Lower Case Letters or ALL UPPER CASE LETTERS (or some other variation).

3) For place of birth, the standard is city and country OR city, state, and country. Names of hospitals are NOT used for the place of birth. The information that you enter is what will appear on your documents.

4) For the date of birth, please provide the date by DAY, then MONTH, and then YEAR. Spelling out the month is helpful.

5) If you have a middle name or initial that you want to appear on your documents, please provide it.

6) Please make sure to enter your GIVEN NAMES in the space provided for "First and Middle Names." Please make sure to enter your FAMILY/SURNAME in the space provided for "Last Name."

7) Please provide your email and telephone/mobile number as well as a complete address. Issuance may be delayed if we are unable to contact you about questions pertaining to your application forms.

8) Please provide 2 passport-sized photos (4 cm x 4 cm / 1.5 in x 1.5 in) printed on photographic paper (NOT plain paper) against a blank background. Please make sure that your entire face and the top of your chest are visible. You may also email your photo as a small JPG image.

9) You must Sign both the ATTESTATION of UNDERSTANDING and the DATA CONSENT. By signing the Data Consent, the applicant gives explicit consent (opts in) to provide and share their personal information and data.

10) You must verify your identity and certify your application in at least ONE of the following ways:

           i) you must provide a photocopy or scan of a valid ID document that you already possess such as a national passport, driver's license, birth certificate, etc.;

           ii) a notary public must notarize your application form with their stamp/seal;

           iii) OR if an ID and notarization are not available, you must provide a clear and visible print of your right index finger.

11) Please make sure to choose which documents and shipping that you want. Please also choose which passport cover you want -- either the "World Passport" cover OR the "World Government Passport" cover. (Please click HERE for more information about the two passport covers.)

12) Other shipping options are available than those listed on the application forms.

Mail Options and Fees:

International Mail:

Airmail is US$10 (throughout the world).

Registered mail is US$40.00 (throughout the world).

International Express Mail Service (EMS) through the United States Postal Service is US$90 (throughout the world).

FedEx to Western Europe is US$90 and to Central/South America is US$150.00. FedEx to Africa, Asia, and Eastern Europe costs US$160.

DHL to Western Europe is US$70 and to Central/South America is US$140.00. DHL to Africa, Asia, and Eastern Europe costs US$140.00.

Depending upon the amount of documents and the weight of the shipment, additional shipping fees will apply.

USA Domestic Mail:

Within the USA, first class mail is US$5.

Within the USA, certified or priority mail is US$15.

Within the USA, US Express Mail is US$40

Within the USA, FedEx is US$55 east of the Mississippi River and is US$65 west of the Mississippi River.

Depending upon the amount of documents and the weight of the shipment, additional shipping fees will apply.

13) There are NO refunds.

14) Processing Time for Document Issuance -- Normal and Quick Options:

Normal processing time for issuance of documents is approximately 4 months or longer from the date that the properly completed applications and fee payments have been received and deposited.


If you need to have the documents issued more quickly, you have three options:

i) For issuance in approximately 30 business days, you can pay an additional US$50 expedite fee PER applicant. (Please note "Expedite" on the envelope or air waybill.)

ii) For issuance in approximately 20 business days, you can pay an additional US$75 expedite fee PER applicant. (Please note the code "4DP" on the envelope or air waybill.)

iii) For issuance in approximately 5 to 10 business days, you can pay an additional US$150 expedite fee PER applicant. (Please note the code "2DP" on the envelope or air waybill.) If paying for this quickest service of 5 to 10 business days, you must call or email the WSA to confirm that we have received your application form and that all questions that we may have about the information on the application have been answered.

Expedite fees and the approximate time frames provided are subject to change without notice. Business days do not include weekends, holidays, or other work stoppages. This expedite policy does not imply, guarantee or promise that documents will be issued within the time frames mentioned. Time frames are approximate. Time frames relate only to issuance of documents, and not to the time it takes for you to receive the documents (i.e., shipping time). A reasonable effort will be made to meet the time frames barring unusual, unexpected, urgent or emergency situations and the time frames may be suspended during holiday or other work stoppages.

Expedited services and normal processing services are bound by WSA's mail policy regarding delays, loss, etc. due to mail carriers/couriers that can affect WSA's receipt of application forms, delivery time, and the applicant's receipt of the documents. WSA's Mail Policy states: The WSA is not responsible for lost, late, misdirected, illegible, damaged and/or incomplete mail or email.

Expedite fees cannot be paid by personal check. Fees for expedited service must be paid in funds that can be immediately deposited and verified.

15) Fee Payment Options:

Another person can send the issuing fees on your behalf. Please provide the name of the person providing the fees.

Payment by international money orders in US dollars drawn off banks with branches in the US and listed on the front of the money order, such as HSBC or Barclay's Bank. (We cannot accept foreign postal money orders.)

Payment through PayPal to the email address When paying by PayPal, you are required to use a traceable delivery service for the shipping of your documents (such as Certified Mail, Priority Mail with Delivery Confirmation, or FedEx in the US and Registered Mail, US Express Mail, DHL or FedEx internationally).

Payment by credit cards. WSA accepts: Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, and Diner's Club. Applicants may pay by credit card online by clicking on the "DONATE" button at the bottom of the WSA application located at, or on the online payment page at, or you may fill out the credit card form and send it to us by post or by fax to 202-638-0638. Do NOT send the form by email. When paying by credit card, you are required to use a traceable delivery service for the shipping of your documents (such as Certified Mail, Priority Mail with Delivery Confirmation, or FedEx in the US and Registered Mail, US Express Mail, DHL or FedEx internationally).

Payment by travelers' checks (such as American Express) in US dollars.

Payment by bank wire transfer (please include $25.00 extra to cover our bank wire acceptance fees.) Please contact the WSA for additional information if sending a bank wire transfer.

Payment in the US by US postal money orders or money orders purchasable at grocery stores, pharmacies, etc.

Payment in the US by certified bank check or cashier's check drawn off a US bank in US dollars.

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